Monday, January 2, 2012

the day before the day

I just can't believe that after 7 months of being a stay at home mom, tomorrow, I return to work.  I am a mix of emotions.  I like work, being with others, accomplishing something, earning money...and, I love staying at home, cleaning and organizing, quiet, cooking and baking, my own schedule.
sunlight streaming in the bedroom window
sunlight in the kitchen window

Chance in the sunlight

Atticus and Chance, good friends

Right now, I have the feeling that it will be good to be back to a schedule, good to walk my children into their classrooms where they so want to be, where they are so loved and taken care of by their teachers and classmates.
The boys made these photo collages of themselves

view from Elias's bedroom window

Dash and Atticus sitting by the fire 

So, today I will spend getting ready for tomorrow.  And hopefully the effects will be long-lasting.


  1. 80% remember 80% because perfection hurts and you have already discovered joys of Imperfect!

  2. I am sorry that I have been absent. I returned as well. So I know.
