Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Fourth Grade Fraction Feast

 Atticus had an assignment to find a practical application for fractions.  Logically, he chose baking. He is my child after all. 

He decided to make "Butter Horns" which is a recipe my mom makes and passed on to me.  These little buttery crescent rolls are a cross between brioche and a dinner roll.  They have 1 cup of butter, and 4 eggs  plus flour, sugar, milk, and yeast.  They are heavenly. Typically, we make these for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Never have they been made in January!  But they are perfect for the fraction feast Atticus was to have at school. 

Not only did it involve using measuring ingredients that were in fraction form, it involves rolling the dough out into 9 inch circles and cutting that into 12 equal triangles. 

There should be a picture HERE of Atticus enjoying his creation.  I'll work on that. 

I also got busy making some Toddler Montessori Material and writing my lesson plan for the Teacher Training I will be doing this summer.