Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday Foto 11-11-11

Happy 11-11-11!
I pulled this out of the archives because I am going through pictures, organizing, documenting, trying to do all those things I put off doing because I never had the time.   Now, I have some time. Finally!
This was taken back in 2004, when Dash was turning 1, and we lived in Ashland WI.  Since this picture has a 1 in it, and Dash loves numbers and number patterns, I thought it was appropriate for 11-11-11.   It was summer, which is beautiful in Ashland.  I love this picture. I had two small children, Elias was only 2.  That is his small head in the front of the picture.  He is eyeing those berries too.  I am sure it was a very difficult time, with two so small children, so close in age.  But I don't remember it being hard.  I don't remember franticness, lack of sleep, anger, resentment, and all the emotions that go along with motherhood.  I am sure I must have felt all those things and more.  But, what I remember is the good feelings. I remember  how much children this small need their family, that family is central and more important than anything else in the world.  All life revolves around the home.  Naps, meals, diaper changes, nursing, schedules, routines, all these things happen best when close to, or inside, home.  We did children's activities all day.  I pushed the boys in a stroller to the library for story time.  We made play-dough, we took lots of walks, we took lots of naps, the three of us were a unit.  They helped me do laundry, they loved to turn on music and dance while I cooked in the kitchen.  Dash learned to walk.  Elias taught Dash about trains and books.  I taught Elias how to use the potty (which required two weeks where we didn't leave the house/yard so we could be near a potty).  There was no walking around the house to find boys sequestered in their rooms, having self-imposed "alone time", as there is now .  There  was no break from the constant needs of the little children.  And yet, look at that beautiful cake I made!  All for that sweet little baby on his special day.  That cake was totally for him.  The other children got cupcakes.  But Dash got the whole cake placed on his tray.  He had never had something so sweet and special, (besides breast milk).  He loved the berries, and for years after (until this past birthday) he remembered that cake, and asked for it each birthday.  He is my summer baby, so berries were in season, and they taste so good.   I can't believe they are not that little anymore, and that in a blink, another 7 years will pass.  I would love to go back and snuggle that little squishy baby.  


  1. I was just doing the very same thing: going through photos. I was looking through all of the work that we did at Three-Stories and, at the end of all of the renovation photos, we have the pictures from Christmas of 2003--the year that the first and second stories were complete.

    Do you remember that Christmas?

    I will never forget it!! Three-Stories misses you and so do I!!

  2. Maggie, I LOVED that christmas, and am so glad you got some pictures of it! Thank you for sharing. Your house was decorated so beautifully and warm, and we had our two squirmy babies...I miss you so much, and wish I could come over for a play date! I have a video of you at my house somewhere on VHS. My next project is to convert those to digital, then I can send them to you! oh the projects!

  3. so sweet! you make me misty!! the time keeps flying, my kids are 24 and 27 ...

    i broke the rules in my own way with my friday moment, too, shhhh:

  4. Oh, shoot. O just wrote I a good sappy note about your birthdays and hit the wrong key and away it flew. I enjoyed your post so very much. Some days r good for memories and rummaging. Quiet times.

  5. Ok, time for me to bust out a tissue. My youngest will be turning 1 next week and she is snoozing on my bed right now. Tempting to just go grab her. *sigh*

    I broke the rules too...ha
