dear Santa
i know you are busy, and may not have caught something my son, Elias said earlier this week. i just wanted to report him.
he was not behaving, and i reminded him that you were watching, and here is what he said;
me- Elias, you better be nice, Santa is watching!
E-i don't care, he's not even real
me- don't let him hear you say that
E- mom, he cant hear me, he doesn't care!
me- he just crossed you off his list!
E-mom, i was HORRIBLE last year, and i still got everything i wanted.
OK? did you get it? he was horrible, and you still brought him everything he wanted? no wonder he is doubting ( i say doubting, because he still wrote you a letter) this year, i think you should bring him coal. maybe then he would get the message and stop pouting and crying.
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